Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Backyard

 JD has dicovered a new toy in the backyard and he determined to reach the top...

Will he make it??

Almost there.... WILL HE MAKE IT!!??.....

He gets up ready to cry.....But does he??

NO!! He raises his arms and declares!!
"I will now take on the beast in the garden!!"

That didn't go as planned

This didn't get to our hero!! No... now he breaks into...



Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clay FUN!!!!

Getting new packs of clay in the house makes the imagination levels JUMP TO NEW HEIGHTS!
When this happens... new characters rise from the blobs they use to be. But it isn't always a happy game... some new tools are anded... then most of the characters are Impaled!! WITH TOOTHPICKS!!
That leaves you to wonder, "what is going on?"
That you may never know... but before they are impaled they look something like this!!

The GREEN-A-NATOR... with puppy and pinapple.

And his enemy STICKY!!! With Fishy and Blood...

MUSTACHE MAN!!! With Frog and Banana....

SLURPY!!!!!! With Pickle juice and Tounge. With the inocent Bystanders...

The Gnomes.....

A happy family... Santa... The boyfriend...Red... and the Crazy Mom

The Royal Family...Egore...Miss Pitunia..Bluey... and Puppy

The CREW.....Greeny....and THE MONSTER!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have decided...
my hand never gets any credit.
It get told around by my brain and the brain gets all the credit.
It's rather selfish if you think about it.
It's like writing this post I think the word and my hand writes it.
And I have decided...
to write and new piece and give all the credit to my hands.
Maybe not all the credit the pencil deserves some too.


I awoke.....