Wednesday, July 28, 2010


As I sit here righting this post one can only wonder....... I want pie. Not just any pie CHOCOLATE pie!!! Speaking of food (a smell drifted down the stairs) SNIFF!!!! Oh thats my big sis's alfraido.

15 min. later

Oh that was so good!! Thank you sis!!

My older sister, makes the best alfraido EVER!!!!

You know just plane chocolate sounds good. The milky cream and just the lable Hershey's makes it sounds good....... you see this picture dont you just want to taste it.
to end this blog post I will make bunnies
( '-' )
I made you a waffle
but I eated it
Wait..... hold up bunnies!
We are not done yet.... ( looks side to side) ok I think I'm alone... you want to know a secret?? The secret is..... (bother walks in holding my other brother) Darn!! I guess I will tell you next blog post :) :)

1 comment:

  1. i love your spontanious love of life and entertaining spirit. :) whats the secret?
