Monday, August 2, 2010

The Dream

I sat in bed this morning since 7:00 a.m. I couldn't believe what I had dreamed I must have had something against my bus driver the dream was weird:
It was set in the Quest for Camelot movie I was on a field trip with my whole class. The boys in the backseat were making gun noises like they always do. I sat next to my friends Bob and Joe and I was reading a book go figure. We were on a field trip to the Forbidden Forest and I didn't care. We got out to wander and "take notes" which were really doodle until you ran out of doodles. We got back in the bus to move on. I got in the bus last and our bus driver had changed to the almost bald Villon Ruber.

I asked "what are you doing here?"

He hissed " I'm DRIVING what does it look like I'm doing?"

The whole bus looked our way and was silent I couldn't help thinking that he sounded like an old cranky lady...

I quickly sat down in my seat and looked for my book. It wasn't there!!! Ruber held it up "Looking for this?" ,he said
"Oh yes than-"he cut me off.
" NO no no you cant have it until you can prove that it is yours.." he snapped.
" Ruber!! give it back!!" our guide said. Which was the famous Kaley and Garret.
He gave it to me and glared at me the rest of the trip. After the trip was over I hugged Bob and Joe good bye then got in the car with my mom because it was after school.
That night I was looking for my book and it wasn't in my backpack I could only to the conclusion that Ruber took it I sat and cried for the rest of the dream my friends came and tried to feed me Chocolate but I wouldn't take it. That really scared me so I woke up and I was half crying I checked to see If all my books were there... they were. Just a warning to you DON'T EVER steal my books :) :)


  1. WOW! That is a true nightmare when you are so upset you don't want CHOCOLATE! (note to self--stay away from KK's books).
